
Healthy Living for Life

What a wonderful opportunity we have with the new building to be able to consider all the options and decisions for a healthier life-style.

Your children are paramount in decision making when it comes to safety and healthy living options. I would like to share with you some of the ways that we are progressing, and some of the changes that we are making in order to implement Healthy Living for life.

We will focus on
• long term dietary changes,
• a balanced lifestyle,
• regular physical activity.

A Health Curriculum is taught in the classrooms with the emphasis on day to day safety and healthier lifestyle. Lessons and assembly presentations are performed to encourage participation of the whole family on subjects such as the use of seat belts, hand washing, good dietary habits etc.

We will follow the Balanced Day Program next year which entails two meal breaks. A sample of the menu may be viewed on the website. We have had input from a nutritionist, and looked at the calorific intake required, keeping in mind a well balanced, appealing, and cross cultural menu. We are also striving towards a nut free school due to the severity of allergies. You will love the cafeteria with it’s vibrant colors. Did you know ?

Orange means pride and ambition,
Physical response: warmth, pleasure

Yellow means intuition, illumination and intellect.
Physical response: concentration, mental activity, improved self esteem

Red means passion and sentiment
Physical response: Contributes to ambition, warmth, vitality, energy

I will have a fully stocked health room on the ground floor of the new building with easy access for Ambulance if needed. Nurse cover will be all day and at after school activities and main events. All teachers and assistants attend First Aid and CPR classes; and we hope to offer these classes for parents next year.

Supervision is always visible on the playground, with arrival and departing of buses, with seat belts checked.

We all look forward to next year, and are excited to move into our new school. I wish you all a very happy and healthy summer holiday.

Nurse Chris